Wednesday, May 30, 2012

cheeky ballerina . . .

As I reflect on my purpose - that is - to learn how to draw better - I have to ask myself - 'have you learned how to draw better?'  Perhaps a little.  So far I consider each drawing a success as well as a failure.

It's funny - on that first ballerina pencil drawing people said 'I like the pencil.'  (The one with the ballerina with the blue headband.)  I agree with you.  The ballerina looks under stress from having a pencil poking her in the back.  The one thing I have accomplished is falling in love with those cheek circles.  Why that's such a party - I don't know.  Please don't take them away from me now! 

Anyway, every artist who loves ballet and Degas will always find themselves copying his magnificent work.  Even when Degas is 'doing nothing' (like a quick sketch) - he is doing something.  In this drawing my purpose was not to make a direct copy - but to add  the heart of Myra to Degas.  But, all I had in me was those little cheek circles.  Ah well . . . move along Myra . . .

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

my bonnie blue degas . . .

Here is the sketch that I was working from.  Of course I couldn't draw that unique Degas face so I  put my own touches on the drawing.  The other photo is my little studio dog Tiny as Degas.  When people see that little face they just want to kiss it . . . but if you try . . . he will bite you . . .

working on degas . . .

Friday, May 25, 2012

pensive . . .

Trying to work it out with this drawing . . . a nice practice sketch.  I learned how to make her hair look somewhat curly - make circles with the pencil - duh!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

'my' modigliani . . .

I want to do a series of  'women drinking coffee'.  The art of Modigliani lends itself well to a type of work that I like . . . this is Modigliani 'myra' style.
He's in my green box because while he may make figurative work look somewhat simple - for the learning artist it really is not.  I would really like to capture the soft, beautiful colors of  her top in watercolor.  Ah well . . . the future!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

#8 ballerina joy . . .

So with this drawing I wanted to fill in the hair and still work on realism.  Why do I like those cheek circles?  Some questions should not be answered - just enjoyed!
Today's green box is of course Degas.  This box should be a very deep, dark green.  I chose this image because I am always fascinated when women paint magnificent tow trucks and men bring such lovely, feminine qualities to the art of the ballet.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

#7 ballerina happiness . . .

It certainly made me happy to do this drawing today.  I wanted to see if I loved what was 'done' as much as what was left 'undone'.  Indeed I do!  And just imagine - I wanted to draw a ballerina for the sheer pleasure of  adding a 'cheek circle'.  Sometimes it really is the little things.
In the green box today is the artwork of Candace Moore.  I found her technique for creating this drawing quite fascinating.  I hope to try it soon.

Monday, May 21, 2012

#6 ballerina . . .

Here is my pencil practice for the day.  My focus was to add more realism to the drawing.  I like this little ballerina - but I can't wait to try again.

I experience much joy and satisfaction in teaching myself to be a better artist.  At one point or another however . . . I'm jealous of every other artist on the planet.  When I saw this beautiful painting by Kayleen Horsma it gave me inspiration for my next drawing.  This is my first green box painting.  I love you but  I'm also a little green . . . if you know what I mean!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

#5 think spring . . .

I like this drawing but I can see that I have a ways to go.  The hand was the hardest part.

Friday, May 18, 2012

#4 soft focus . . .

I call this drawing 'soft focus' because I began with a perfect set of eyes - both eyes looking right at the viewer.  Then I made one so-called  'tweak' and the focus of the eyes 'just went away'.  I don't have the skill to fix the eyes at this time - maybe the solution will come to me later.  I do however like the rest of the drawing.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

#3 I will always remember . . .

I like the fact that I was able to complete the drawing.  I like it - but it won't go down in history as 'the best work I've ever done'.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

#2 what the heart wants . . .

This is the second drawing that I have wanted to post.  I was toying with the 'undone' quality of the drawing as well as adding 'interest' by means of her outfit.  I would like to paint a version of this drawing with vibrant watercolors.